Top 5 Holiday Etiquette Tips
The holiday season is upon us, which means it’s time for buying gifts, entertaining, visiting family, and trying to teach our children that the holidays are not just about getting stuff.
Below are some of my top tips for this time of year, or you can click HERE to watch my Fox News segment on this topic for more information.
1. Don’t Give Your Boss a Massage!
  • While it’s very nice to give your boss or colleagues a gift for the holidays, make sure that it is not too personal in nature (i.e., nose clippers), or too expensive which might say that you are either trying to “show off” or are “sucking up.”
  • For clients or customers, find out their HR policies about accepting gifts or give something that can be enjoyed by their whole office (i.e., basket of sweets).
2.  Be a Nice Party-Goer
  • R.S.V.P. to invitations immediately and if you say you’ll attend then don’t cancel at the last minute. If you want to invite others ask the host ahead of time.
  • Bring a gift for the host/hostess of the party such as a bottle of wine/liquor or a fun household item. Avoid homemade items or anything too personal.
3.  Don’t Give Cookies to Your Housekeeper
  • Those service people in your life appreciate an extra tip during the holidays such as your hairdresser, house cleaners, kids’ bus driver, and garbage collector. Cash or a gift card is always preferable! Click HERE for complete tipping guide
  • If you cannot afford to buy something for everyone, prioritize based on their relationship to you and how much they might need the tip.
4. Make Your Bed
  • When visiting other’s homes over the holidays, be sure that you are a polite guest and one they will want to have return. Do things like make your bed and tidy up your room, pick up after yourself around the house, and offer to help out with the cooking and cleaning. Even bring extra food/alcohol with you when you come!
5.  Wrangel Your Kids
  • While the holidays are fun times, there are also times when kids need to have nice manners. Help your kids do these things to show their respect and appreciation:
    • Write thank-you notes for gifts received.
    • Help out with the shopping, decorating, and cooking for the holidays.
    • Make homemade gifts for family members.
    • Have nice table manners when at other’s homes for holiday meals/parties.
    • Do something personally for a charity or for someone in need.

For a complete tipping guide throughout the year, click HERE.

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