Teach Kids Table Manners Do your children have nice table manners? Always? Even in restaurants and at their grandparents’ house? Or… Do they sit on their knees, jump out of their chair and run around during the meal, gobble up their food before you even sit down, burp loudly, hold their fork like a...Continue Reading
Impressions Class Video If you are interested in finding out more about our new and modern junior cotillion class, Impressions, please click HERE for the Impressions Class video. After watching the Impressions Class video, register now for the winter session of Impressions by clicking HERE. The 2015 fall Impressions class will be help in September...Continue Reading
Thank-You Note Etiquette Should your kids have to send them after they receive a gift for their birthday or on a holiday? The answer is… YES! Yes, your children should send thank you cards for gifts they received over the holidays. And given that it is already the first week of January, they (and you)...Continue Reading