Place your name tag on the right side of your chest This helps people discreetly read your name when you’re shaking hands. If it’s a business function then eat before you go Your main objective at these functions is to network and not eat. Hold your drink in your left hand Do this so that...Continue Reading
Know who the host of the meal is The host is responsible for making and communicating the plans, making a toast if necessary, and paying the bill. It’s also good to know if there isn’t a specific host so that you can be prepared to pay for your own meal. Wait for the host Wait...Continue Reading
Write legibly This means skip all of the acronyms unless you’re sure the receiver will understand, and do not abbreviate so much that the person has a hard time knowing what you are saying. Your email should also be written with proper grammar and punctuation. If you can’t take the time to do this why...Continue Reading